
Of course that goes without saying that I AM also wishing for us to have a SUNNY DAY today. After that on and off nasty weather yesterday, I can use one full day of sun without rain and/or thunder/lightning!'s not happening. The weather channel here says that we will have

later in the day so I decided to put the big 'ol sunshine face fool me...LOL!

Anyway, we're back to normal today. The husband arrived home after midnight last night. The little one of course had to wait for Dad even if it's way past her bedtime. She just missed her Dad so much that she wouldn't even dare close her eyes. As soon as Dad got home, she gave him the biggest hug she could...then presented him with the 'cards' she made for him while he was away.

So now I'm back to my normal programming....making dinner at a certain time. Well, that's the only difference actually. When it's just the little girl and me home, I make what she wants and I make what I want...hehe.

I hope your midweek is going well...sans rain and storm/thunder/lightning. If you're in Texas where 'Dolly' is making a landfall....take care and stay safe.


Unknown said…
Well it's been in the 100's here in Dallas. We are wishing for some rain but not as strong as Dolly though.

Happy Wednesday Jul.
Anonymous said…
daling ot kiriring daka ot alang makikibat, paki check mune ing number mu nung ustu ya. 352-342-4392 ing cellphone ku 214-587-3088
J said…
glad to know the king is back.

we're about to have heavy rains too. tonight into tomorrow as the weathermen forecasted, ewan lang kung magkaka-totoo.

ay bakit nagiba ang comment box? missing yata name/url.

Same here in UK too but this week good week is expected daw, sana nga!

Musta kana pala dyan?

Panay rain din pala dyan hehehe. Hope for a good sunshine tomorrow nalang.

Ingats Mama Juls.
Shimumsy said…
hi J, hay kung kayo puro rain diyan, kami dito we have heatwave for 7 days at ngayon lang umulan (what a relief) - sorry i have to say that!

magandang gabi mommy.

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