100 Truths...a Tag!


Thanks Tetcha....

001. Name → Juliana
002. Nickname(s)→ Juliana, Juls, Julie, J, Jolen, Lola, Lols & Na
004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio
005. Male or female → Female
006. Elementary → San Simon Elementary School in Pampanga
007. Middle School → Di uso sa probinsya eh....
008. High School → Assumpta Technical High School, Pamp, Phils.
009. College School → St. Scholastica's College Manila, Philippines.
010. Hair color → Black
011. Long or short → Very Long.
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet
013. Jumpers or Jeans → Both
014. Phone or Camera → Camera
015. Health freak → Not yet....soon!
016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → George Clooney?
018. Eat or Drink → Hungry - Eat, Thirsty - Drink...hehe
019. Piercings → Ears.
020. Tattoos → Peklats?
021. Social or Anti-Social →Anti-social...hahaha....actually, I am both...
022. Righty or lefty →Righty

023. First piercing → When I was in Gr. 1 I think
024. First best friend → I can't remember...elementary years I think.
025. First award → Grade 1 Honor Roll
026. First crush → I can't remember his name but it starts with 'R'...
027. First pet → Dog [an 'askal']...it's a family pet
028. First big vacation → Baguio when I was still a toddler.
029. First Kiss → with my first 'serious' boyfriend. Ha!
030. First big birthday →My birthday was always big in the Phils because it's on All Saints' Day...my friends and family are always on a break on that day...
031. First relationship → in college already
032. First Surgery → C-section to deliver the little one
033. First sport you joined → Patintero....hahaha..in Kapampanga: ARINDINGAN...haha

034. Orange or Apple juice → Orange juice
035. Rock or Rap → Neither
036. Country or Screamo → What's screamo? Music genre? then Country...
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys → NSYNC if only because of Justin T.
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera →Christina Aguilera
039. Night or Day → Day
040. Sun or Moon → Sun
041. TV or Internet → Both
042. Playstation or xbox → Not my thing...
043. Kiss or hug → Hug
044. Iguana or turtle → Turtle
045. Spider or bee → Why oh why?
046. Fall or spring → Spring
047. Limewire or iTunes → iTunes
048. Soccer or baseball → Soccer only if only because of David Beckham...hehe

049. Eating → Nope. It's almost bedtime...
050. Drinking → Water
052. I'm about to →Go to bed.
053. Listening to → CSI Miami here in the living room and the TV in the bedroom.
054. Plans for today → Weeding...and I did it...yay!
055. Waiting for → this tag to be over so I can go to bed...hehe

058. Want kids? → I want more but I'm too old to have another one.
059. Want to get married? → Been there, done that....
060. Careers in mind → A small business I can run from home...

068. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
070. Shorter or taller - Taller.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Romantic.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Neither.
074. Sensitive or loud→ Sensitive.
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → Neither.

080. Lost glasses/contacts → Yes, a couple of time actually.
081. Ran away from home → Sort of...
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → I placed a knife under my pillow one time for protection
083. Killed somebody → Not yet....hahaha...
084. Broke someone's heart → Yes...
085. Been arrested → Not yet...hehe
087. Cried when someone died → Who hasn't?

089. Yourself → Most of the time...
090. Miracles → Yes...
091. Love at first sight → Yes
092. Heaven → Yes.
093. Santa Claus → Not anymore
094. Tooth Fairy → Didn't know about TF until I was old enough not to believe on it...
095. Kiss on the first date → Secret? hehehe....actually, it depends on the date I guess.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Right at this moment....no. I have them with me.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → I'm happy but I can be happier....
099. Do you believe in God → Of course!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people→ Tagging the first 20 who will read this....hehehe


J said…
ha? does that mean I'm tagged?

how was your Sabado? been quiet here, as F has a terrible cold, in fact, sign language na lang siya. his voice is gone.
bluedreamer27 said…
waaaaaaahhh im tagged hehehhe
ill do this so soon mejo mahaba eh but ill give you a shout
how are you na juliana?
have a great day and happy palm sunday
""rarejonRez"" said…
ang haba ng tag na itetch! pero mind u ha.. 100 truths daw.. hmmm... 'tis the shortest 100! galing!

ako rin, ang daming tattoo! (read: peklat) :P

have a wonderful sunday!
I guess I am excused. I already have done this. LOL!

Thanks for sharing your 100 truths. Should we go for 200? Hahaha!
J said…
super late!!! paano, tulog ng kalahating araw.

he's better na, thanks for asking. and his voice is back, kaya ayan, he is raring to go to work again tomorrow.

you must be in dream land na right now.good night!
100 truths... totoo nga ba?!
anyway, of all the commenters in my post you were the only one who caught the sarcasm inserted somewhere in the article. hehehe. pareho kasi tayong bruha.

update me with your medical status.
Nova said…
oh.. i assume i considered myself tagged too.. thanks for this.. hope your okay na with your problem...

would you mind exchanging links with me?here's my links.


please message me if you want.
bluedreamer27 said…
will post this na as my next post tomorrow
thanks for tagging me again juliana
Sweetiepie said…
Whoaaaaaaa, does that mean I`m tagged because I read your post? hahaha kaloka naman ito ang haba!!! how have you been? tagal kona hindi naka visit dito and tamad ko!
tx sweetie said…
Diyos ko poW! Ako ang susunod na gagawa nito Mizz J. ang pagka haba haba raba ani oi

BTW, Mahilig pala kayo sa Popstars ano? ako din eh, if only Beckham will be my second husband, YES agad ako pag nagpropose.. hehe jowk pow!
blessedmom said…
wow! that was long! ang tyga mo mommy j ha... i'm impressed! :) guess klangan ko rin maging matyaga like u coz i have to do this too..im in the first 20 eh! hehhe :) but i got to know u better, that's what's important :)

ok mommy, i'll do this the soonest i can! i like the tag..nakakatuwa :)

sweet kisses to ur lovely princess! :)
Shimumsy said…
ay, taga pampanga ka pala mommy J. pareho kayo ni hubby. i can understand pero konti lang alam ko sabihin.

musta na? hope you feel better. eto na naman at malapit na ang allergy season.
Nova said…
done with the tag, check it out here



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