So Near, Yet So Far....


Gorgeous day here again today. It was clear the whole day and the little one and I were able to do some minor cleaning outside for a couple of hours this morning while the husband was at work. He came late in the afternoon and went straight to cutting the grass. Yes, no rest for him.

It seems that it will be a while before he can get any decent time off work. We're thinking of maybe visiting the Philippines this year but with the rate things are going at his work, we may have to wait until next year to do that. Even an outside of the state get-away may not be feasible right now unless we only go away for a couple of days. If we really want to go somewhere for a get-away, our best choice is take one of those Orlando vacations that are widely advertised around here. Last time we were in Orlando, it was just a day's outing. We left the house early in the morning and went back home late at night. It was fun but not enough.

I'm sure the little one will have a blast regardless where we go. Orlando is just a couple hours drive from where we're at but we hardly go there because of various reasons. So yes, I can definitely near, yet so far. Hmmm....


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