...and we're still alive and kicking! We made it! It's been 9 years since we exchanged 'I DOs'. I could never ask for a better partner in crime....err, life. Happy anniversary to my [k]night in shining armor.....
Hello J! How sweet! Happy Anniversary to you and M on your 9th year of blissful marriage.
Good for you that those precious wedding rings still fit on your candle like fingers. ...yung sa 'min kasi nakatago na lang dahil hindi na kasya or sometimes nakasabit na lang sa necklace.he he.. Beautiful engagement ring too. ...looks like 5.karats ah!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks Tetcha .... 001. Name → Juliana 002. Nickname(s)→ Juliana, Juls, Julie, J, Jolen, Lola, Lols & Na 004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio 005. Male or female → Female 006. Elementary → San Simon Elementary School in Pampanga 007. Middle School → Di uso sa probinsya eh.... 008. High School → Assumpta Technical High School, Pamp, Phils. 009. College School → St. Scholastica's College Manila, Philippines. 010. Hair color → Black 011. Long or short → Very Long. 012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet 013. Jumpers or Jeans → Both 014. Phone or Camera → Camera 015. Health freak → Not yet....soon! 016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither 017. Do you have a crush on someone? → George Clooney? 018. Eat or Drink → Hungry - Eat, Thirsty - Drink...hehe 019. Piercings → Ears. 020. Tattoos → Peklats? 021. Social or Anti-Social → Anti-social...hahaha....actually, I am both... 022. Righty or lefty → Righty FIRSTS: 023. First piercing → When I was in Gr. 1 I think 024. First best friend → ...
...is that still even a thing today? I stopped blogging actively several years ago...so now I'm like starting all over again. I don't even know what to post anymore. A lot has changed since I started this blog in 2008. Yep, that's how long ago it's been. Back then I just wanted to write whatever. I was already a WAHM - Work at Home Mom when I started this blog and that's how my blog title came about. I started doing work-at-home jobs as early as 2002. I had a handful of different jobs I was juggling at that time so blogging was just really something I did during my free time. After a while I did paid blogging. I did that for a few years. I tried to do it as much as I could but my 'real' jobs had to be my priority so my blogging had to take a back seat. In retrospect, that may be the reason why I slowly lost interest in doing it. I tried going back to it every now and then, but the 'mojo' is just not there so I stopped altogether but opted to keep m...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the little one singing with the new Taylor Swift song called: You Belong with Me ... acapella She's a big TS fan right now so that's all I'm hearing around the house lately. The little one's video is far from perfect but I'm a proud Mama. She recorded this all on her own so pardon the little 'booboos/mistakes' she made while recording/singing. Enjoy! If you're not familiar with the song, here's the link to the official video .
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. =)
Good for you that those precious wedding rings still fit on your candle like fingers. ...yung sa 'min kasi nakatago na lang dahil hindi na kasya or sometimes nakasabit na lang sa necklace.he he.. Beautiful engagement ring too. ...looks like 5.karats ah!
Midweek na naman. Enjoy the day!
mahaba-haba na rin pala ang inuman, este... kulitan at lambingan. hehe.
keep the fire burning, J. Enjoy life together - :)
happy anniversary and stay happy and inlove! wooot!