Charge it to Experience...

Just like any other weekend, ours passed way too quickly. We were out on both days either running errands or just being out and about. Saturday was spent at a small furniture store that sells electronic fireplaces. You know how that is…you go in a store with a purpose and you end up looking at everything they have. We did find the fireplace hubby wants…on a brochure. They didn’t have the actual one on the floor so we’ll have to wait 2 to 3 weeks to actually see it. Yesterday, Sunday, we decided to have our car washed. The place that we go to for that is close to our other house which is still up for sale. We decided to swing by the property just to check how it’s doing. As usual, I felt bad while we were there because up until now it’s still sitting there with no takers yet just like a lot of other for sale properties. Everytime we visit the place I can’t help but think about the misfortune of coming across that homebuilder/contractor that screwed us of our hard earned money.

Hiring real estate lawyers like Real estate lawyer barrie would have been a great idea before we jumped into the buying and selling a house. We just didn’t know any better back then. We thought we could handle everything by ourselves but we were wrong and had to pay the price for it…big time. If that builder just kept his promise to us, then everything would have been perfect. That house already had a buyer who was willing to pay us for the price we wanted for it. But things fell apart when the builder started giving us the run-around. Instead of hiring a real estate attorney when that started happening, we patiently gave this guy the benefit of the doubt and waited. Wrong move of course because after a few months of excuses, we found out that we were not the only people the builder was giving the run-around. Long story short, the guy is now in jail. That’s good for his future victims, but not so much for us. We were thousands of dollars shortchanged and there was nothing we could about it. As they say, charge it to experience. Next time, we should know better. I hope..


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