Birth Announcements in Style....

I can honestly say that having our little girl in our lives is the best thing that has ever happened to us. No doubt about that. Everything she does just makes our heart swell every single time. It has been a very happy and fulfilling 5 years since the day she came to our lives. A lot had changed since the day we found out we were having a little bundle of joy. We were very excited about the pregnancy so we wanted our family to feel our excitement. So, we looked for some creative ways to do the baby announcements.

Both my family and my husband’s family live either across the country or outside the country. So we wanted to share the baby’s birth with them in a special way instead of just making a phone call and telling them about the birth. At first we wanted to buy some birth announcements to let them know but we didn’t have enough resources to do that. So we went online and checked some inexpensive ways to share the good news to our families and friends here and abroad. We came across a lot of different kinds of baby photo invitations while we were doing the search. They were all so cute and adorable that we were torn on which one to choose.

When the big day arrived, my husband and I decided to have some photo birth announcements made. They were fairly cheap so we were able to send them to all of our families without breaking the bank, so to speak. My family was particularly thrilled because it’s impossible for them to be present at our baby’s birth because they are in another country. But with the unique baby photo announcements we sent them, it seemed that they were also present at the birth of our little one.

If a you or a loved one is expecting a new addition in the family and you want a unique way of letting friends and family about it, visit Mozdex and see the different ways you can do it.


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