Common Writing Mistakes

Here are the rules:

~Start copy paste~

Instructions: To play this game, all you must do is explain what your most common writing mistake is. Then, simply tag 5 people for the meme. Those 5 will, in return, tag 5 more people. Ultimately, readers should see a tapestry of common grammar and spelling mistakes. Therefore, anyone who feels ashamed of their errors will feel a bit more confident and secure.Copy the person and persons' names that sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list. It really helps build community.The answers:-

Shine with Grace : Mixing the word 'from' with 'form' all the time.

Trinity : I sometimes feel confused to use past tense or present tense when I share my stories.

LadyJava : Typing too fast that sometimes I miss words in between.

Genie King : I type too fast too... always end up with 'tot he'... when it should be 'to the'.

Spiff : I type too fast that I end up with sentences that have no spaceinbetween... LOL!

Nessa : Mostly grammatical mistakes... but it doesn't really bother me as long as my readers understand :)

Choc Mint Girl: Obviously grammatical error due to lack of vocabulary…but getting better and better and better…he he he…

Liza : I type too fast too that's why sometimes my spellings are wrongf... see. Lol ;) And same with Grace, mixing the word from and form at times. (I'll be posting this tag to my other blog too.)

Cecil: errors on grammar and sometimes I don’t know where to place my comma or when to use colon or semi-colon :(

Juliana: All of the above..hehe. Seriously, mispelled and missing words. Salamat sa Microsoft Word at medyo na minimize na ang ganitong mistakes. One of the things that I need to improve on ,though, is organizing my thoughts/ideas. Since I'm not really a writer, I tend to blabber away which makes my entry long and sometimes boring like this one.....hehe

Add your link and answer here~

End copy paste~

Now, I'm tagging: Marie, Merydith, Recel, Ana and Tess.


Merydith said…
Thank Juliana for the tag. I will do this as soon as we get home later tonight. Take Care and Happy Thanksgiving. Kiss your pretty daughter for me.
Tess said…
TY, will do it as soon as i can! TY!

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