Credit Card Review Network....

One of the things that kind of surprised me when I came to live here in the states is the need to have a credit history. How can I have a credit history? Get a credit card and use it, of course. I never really had any credit card before so I wasn’t comfortable in getting any at first. My husband convinced me to get at least one to build my credit history, so I did. Up until now, I’m still not comfortable using it when I need to buy something but what can I do. I have to use it, right? I just can’t get over the thought that someone might steal my information and use it.

At present, I still have only one credit card and I only use it every once in a while. I am reading a lot of credit card scary stories that I’m still scared to use it. So it is a relief to find a place where I can do research on credit cards like one from Bank of America. I can search for the type of credit card I want based on the credit card issuers and/or credit card features. Once the research is done I can compare whatever choices I have then apply instantly online.

And if this is not enough, has a blog. A place where everything related to credit cards is being discussed, questions are answered in order to guide those who, like me, are still not comfortable with having a credit card.


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