A Dream Tour.....

Back in 2001, a friend of mine got married in Belgium. I was supposed to attend her wedding but I also got married so I wasn’t able to do so. One of the plans we had then was to go to the UK to visit some places. Since I wasn’t able to do that then, I have some future plans to visit that country with my family.

The first place in my list is London. It seems like when somebody goes there, London is almost always part of the itinerary. Right now, I have a couple of friends who are in the UK and one of them is in London. If I am alone, I would probably just stay with this friend but since I will definitely have my family with me, I don’t think staying with her would be a good idea. So I would have to look up Hotels in London. I can’t even decide which place to visit in London but there’s a place there that I’m curious about – Nottting Hill. You may find this funny even unusual, but my reason for this is the movie Notting Hill. I may not see the exact same things in the movie but just knowing I’m in Notting Hill will probably be enough.

Next to my list is Birmingham…not the one in Alabama but in the UK as well. Of course we need to find Hotels in Birmingham that’s near the Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses. Our daughter loves any garden so I’m sure she will love the Botanical Gardens. As for me, I would like to see the Glasshouses. I did the virtual tour of the Glasshouses not too long ago and I’m hooked to them. So now I have to see them for real.

And last but not the least in my places to visit is Manchester. There are alot of Hotels in Manchester so research has to be done to find good deals. The hotel we will choose to stay in should be very affordable but accessible to all the good places that can be visited so the money saved in the hotels will not go to fares in order to visit these places. The one place in Manchester that I find interesting it the The Lowry. I've only seen it in pictures but I already feel like I would enjoy visiting it.

To make this UK dream trip a reality, it's important to be smart in finding good deals. What can be better than finding hotels at cheaperthanhotels.co.uk/United-Kingdom. Who knows, this dream may even come true as soon as next year.


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