Gold and Silver......Friends

Yep, as the saying goes....Make new friends but keep the old ones, for one is silver, the other is gold...

That being said, my blogger friend, Lucel Juliana, handed me this really special friendship award. I'm very touched to say the least. So thanks much Tukayo...I felt that 'special connection' right away when I saw that we have the same name. So to you my Tukayo, I also give this award.....

I guess it's my turn to spread the love so I'd like to give this award to one of my first online friends Roselle, to Recel who always finds time to leave me comments, Marie for not failing to visit, Sweet Darlene who's so sweet because she's one of the first to make a shout out for my blog, to Nova who's birthday is so close to mine I thought we had the same bday and last but not the least to 2 expectant mothers Anne and Kero who I already feel a connection with as soon as I learned they're going to be mommies like me. Thanks for the 'frienship' blogging experience would not be as good as it is if you're not there to welcome me.


Utah Mommy said…
Oh i was going to give this to you but i found my name here hehehehe thank you so much Juliana for giving me this, our friendship means a lot to me although we haven't seen each other yet. Happy sunday morning!
tx sweetie said…
wow this is nice..thank u much for passing this to me sweet of u like it muahh
RoSeLLe said…
Aling Juliana!!! Thanks a bunch!!! Super touched naman ako :) sa uulitin ha ehehehe will grab this na, baka magbago pa isip mo at bawiin mo pa hihihihi Again, thanks very very much!
Nova said…
Thanks for considering me as ur friend, i'm really touched [nova got a teary eyes] char lang.. pero i'm glad to know about this....
PinayWAHM said…'re most welcome. I'm having a great experience blogging simply because you made me feel at home in your respective thank you from the bottom of my feet...I meant my heart.....hehe

Cheers and here's to more awards.

J said…
ay ibinalik.i'm really glad to have found new friends online. nakakatuwa.

sige, tonight it will be an early night. i'm about to fold up and go to lala land. i think i really need that much needed sleep.

hope you'll have a good morning.
Kero said…
Hi Juliana! Thank you soo much for the award. I just posted it on my blog, come visit when you have the chance. The link is
Unknown said…
maraming salamat nito so touched na appreciate mo ang munting presensya ko dito...

i hope ok lang sayo ha..since, Roselle gave this to me also noong Sunday so e-sama ko nalang two names niyo ha...andito siya sa URL na to

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