Good online deal....

I am not much of a perfume kind of person. I wonder if my allergy has something to do with that. Anyway, my hubby really likes the smell of Bath and Body Works body cream. I was not a big fan at first but I finally gave in a few months ago...yep, after more than 6 yrs. Does that tell you how "easy" it is to convince me?? Lol...Anyway, I ran out of it a few weeks ago so I ordered some online. Well, to my surprise I got a good deal. Normally 1 tube costs $10.50 in the store/online. But when I ordered some online last week, a tube only costs $5/tube with free shipping...yippee...isn't that a good deal. I think so...hehe...anyway, here's my 'loot'..


""rarejonRez"" said…
oh... i love bath and body works lotion and body cream as well! aba, di o talaga naisi mag shopping online ng mga ito ah! hmmm....
Oh yes! I love bath and body works too!! love their lotion and lip gloss!

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