GPS Insight at Your Service

One of the things that scare me about driving is finding my way around, well, aside from the driving itself, of course. I have never been good in directions so I am worried that I may get lost if I have to drive all on my own. I have been lost a couple of times so getting lost while I’m driving is a very big possibility for me. One of the things that somehow put my mind to rest is the invention of GPS and places like GPS Insight. Why? Because now I know that there is someone with me at all times.

GPS is not only beneficial to drivers like me who is not good with directions. I am going to need one for personal use but a lot of companies also use it to better their businesses and improve their services. A tracking device is a must to businesses that send out people to attend to their customers' needs so they can be sure that the employees they are sending out are doing their jobs and going where they’re supposed to go. My husband’s business does a lot of service calls. These service calls are very important to them because they can either make or break the relationship between the customer and the business. With the help of GPS and GPS Insight there will be no more labor paid when people aren’t really working. Let’s face it, not every employee is honest and would admit of taking side trips when they go out to do some service calls to customers.

Wherever you are, GPS Insight can help you because they provide services across the country. Here is an example of the many routes that GPS Insight can track.

This is what GPS Insight does best. Companies can now track their employees on service every couple of minutes if they want to. Not only can they track the vehicles location, GPS Insight can also keep track on a lot things with the company vehicles like fuel consumption and can tell if the vehicles are having some problems.Aside from cutting unnecessary spending brought about by employees who are not doing their jobs, companies can also make some fuel savings. With the skyrocketing gas prices this is probably one of the best thing that can happen to businesses. GPS Insight let the drivers have routing efficiency . They provide company drivers alternate routes in order to avoid traffic or roads which are under construction.

Putting together all the benefits of having a GPS, the fee of $1.50 - $2 a day per vehicle is relatively cheap. Paying a few of bucks a day to have a GPS surely defeats the hundreds of dollars being spent to inefficient employees and wasted gas. So if you have a company that does service calls, visit GPS Insight to see what they can do for you. See for yourself.
GPS is always trying to find ways to give the best service to their customers. They even have a place in their website where these latest improvements are being presented. Check it out to see what they have been doing.


Anonymous said…
Nice post!! Here's a quick excerpt.. Thanks a lot for sharing information.
keep up the work.

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