London Jobs Available at

I know quite a few people who really want to find jobs overseas. Be it in Asia, in the US or in the UK. How can I blame them when the money that can be made working abroad in a month is probably more than what they can make in their lifetime where they are at now? Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to work abroad can. I know a couple who were able to do it and both are now in London. But since they are foreigners there, finding jobs in London is not exactly easy for them.

Both these friends of mine are teachers, good teachers at that. But being good teachers where they’re from is not a guarantee of getting jobs in London, especially a teaching position. One even went as far as furthering her education in one London school as a requirement for her to be considered for a teaching position in London. She’s still there now but she’s still not teaching even if she took the necessary courses to land the job she wants. She’s happy though that she got the job that she has right now but she's still on a look out for her 'dream job'.

My other friend is not as lucky. I know she’s working at the moment but I’m not certain if she found the job she’s really wanting. If she hasn't, I know where to point her next time I talk to her… This place has a wide variety of London jobs that my friend can choose from. Who knows, she may just find what she's looking for through gumtree and make her dream a reality.

So if you're thinking of trying it out in London, visit gumtree and see their job listings. You may just find something there that will bring you to one of the most talked about place in the world.


Tony Marshall said…
I Work in London myself & I got a job very quick from gumtree. (Thank you) So now what I have Decided to do is link all the London job board on my blog. So when job seekers visit my blog they have a choice of who to register there CV with or they could register there CV with all of them!

Kind Regards
Tony Marshall

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