"My Dream Came True"....

...was all our little one kept saying while we were walking around Disney World's Magic Kingdom. It was a fun but very tiring [for me at least]. I would say it was well worth the more than 2 hours of driving...that plus the time we spent looking for Disney World. Can you believe there was not a lot of signs leading to this very famous place? My husband who's almost always ready with a map whenever we go somewhere - other than the Mall or Walmart - didn't bother to print one thinking there will be signs all over...but nope...none...nada.

Of course the little one was getting impatient other than the fact that she's very dizzy already. Unfortunately she took after Mom who gets car sick if she travels for more than 30 minutes. She didn't get sick because she took the Bomine chewable before we left but the long drive almost got her [and me I should add].

After about 30 minutes of driving around we finally [I did] saw a small sign saying Disney --->>>.

We got to the gates of the Disney World at around 12 noon. What do you do the moment you get in????? TAKE A PICTURE RIGHT AWAY..of course.

Here's the result of that VERY First Picture...someone was kind enough to take it for us. Medyo fresh pa kami dito. I'm not posting that pic we have where we look like 'bilasang tilapia' na.

This was taken after standing in line for about an hour...and it took us only 1 minute to have a couple of pics with these 3. It's well worth it because Erica really loved seeing Tigger, Darvy and Pooh.

Like what my hubby said, it wouldn't be worth the trip if we didn't get to see the star of the place - Mickey Mouse. Actually..the picture I mentioned earlier where we looked like 'bilasang tilapia' was taken with Mickey as well...at 7:30 PM...

We [meaning ME!!!] took about 100 pics. A lot of them is Erica's back while she's waving at the characters during the parade.

It was a good trip except that dear hubby had a headache the whole time [migraine sufferer] but he was a trooper and just tried to bear the pain so as not to spoil our little girl's first trip to Disney. We were so busy walking around that we didn't even know there was a First Aid Station somewhere until someone told us before leaving the park. Hubby was planning on just checking in a hotel for the night as he was not in his best elements....but, he just kept on driving...I guess the Advil worked.

Thanks for reading. Have a great week ahead...


Anonymous said…
mommy jul,gusto ko rin punta dyan sa disneyworld kasi dito sa amin smaller version yata..wahhh I hope someday I can visit and have fun with the rides...have a great week ahead of you mommy jul..
J said…
that was fun! but tiring is not even enough to describe how you feel after walking all day, right? glad the little one enjoyed. cute ng anak mo. pwede pahiram one time *lol*? inggit lang ako.. pasensiya na. good night! for the first time in ages i'm hitting the sack early. antok na ako.

Norm said…
Hi Jul! wow! Disneyland with beautiful pics... I'm sure nag enjoy kayong tatlo...cute naman ng baby mo, so beautiful like you... By the way I have another tag for you..Hope you like it, just visit my site...take care

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