Writings in the Sky...

While lining up to have some pics taken with Pooh and the gang on our trip to Disney World, I looked up in the sky. What do you know....I saw something! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's superman!! Not quite...a couple of planes were going in circles. I thought at first that they were jets but as they went with their business, it became obvious that they were trying to write someting in the sky. I was able to capture the first part of it but not the rest. Take a look.... [if you can't see the letters, click on the pictures for the bigger version....]

This was how it started....

Followed by this....at this time, I already figured out what they were trying to write...

And this was the first word...

There were 2 planes doing this but they were not fast enough I guess because when they finished the second word...the first one was barely visible already. What were they trying to write:

Jesus Loves Us....


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