Award Time....

Merry Christmas to me!!! So I was checking out the blogs of my friends who visited me while I was snoozing away. Well, being the night owl that she is, Ms. Roselle was busy handing out this award to her friends while I was in Lalala Land...."Your Blog is a Treasure!!", then my Lola Tess also handed me this just now! Really now, eh? Kidding...I know my blog is a treasure. Gosh, if I'm paid for every minute I spend on this blog, I would be millionaire over and over again. Isn't that right, Ms. Roselle and Lola Tess?? Anyway, thanks much to you for the compliment. If only those "you know what" [clue: it starts with "P" and ends with a "P"] see what you see in my blog....then I'd probably be making the millions I'm supposed to be making. Ha!
Since it's the season of giving, let me give it to you all my friends. Please grab it and put it on your blogs then let me know you have it up so I can take a peek. Okie dokie? Happy Holidays!!!


Anonymous said…
everything in the blogging world really spreads too fast.I am just from Anne's blog and I saw this award too.Well,I think everyone has this already so I don't need to pass this on.

Merry Christmas...
Anonymous said…
yeah right, that P....P is blind for sure!

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