
So Ms Bisdak Footprints - Preggers Anne tagged me...wanting to know 5 of my wishes for this coming Christmas. Hmm...this I have to think about! Then, Ms Nova also tagged me, this time to answer a question on the 5 things I would BUY if I had unlimited income...wouldn't that be sweet???!!!
First, here are 5 of my wishes.
1. Our house will be built before the year 2008 ends.

2. A visit to the Philippines --- worry-free!

3. Drive before the year 2008 ends.

4. Continued Health to my family.

5. The builder who scammed us and 170 other families pays for what he did. JUSTICE should be served!!!!
Now for the 5 things I would BUY if I had all the money in the world
1. House and lot for each of my siblings and their kids.

2. House and lot for me and my hubby and little in the Phils.

3. Bahay bakasyunan in the places of our choice.

4. A school to benefit the less fortunate.

5. Whatever my heart desires...hehe


Nova said…
thanks for doing what i tagged you misis... have a happy monday

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