Mobile Advertising???

Hmm..interesting. After blog advertising, now comes Mobile Advertising. Yes, advertising using your cellphone. Well, this is still very much into its beginning stages but it has potentials, don't you think? They are saying that 80% of Americans alone, have cellphones so I won't be surprised if this so-called Mobile Advertising actually explodes in a few months. I guess I would have to activate my cellphone again so I can take part on this new 'thing' in town.

How does it work? Well, right now a wine company offers discounts to their products if you snap and send them a picture of of their ads in newspapers. And a company called, SnapTell Inc. is the one helping different merchants on doing this kind of advertising. Simple eh? So, are you in or are you out? Me? Not quite sure yet. I'll see where it leads then maybe, just maybe, I will join in. Fair enough?

Source: Yahoo News


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