Omaha, Nebraska Mall Shooting

I saw this in the news late this afternoon. At first I heard that there was probably 1 dead. Well, that 1 is actually 7 victims plus the shooter himself. The shooting happened in a crowded mall called Von Maur. The shooter did what he did because "he wanted to go out in style"!! How crazy is that?

I'm not sure what's happening in our world but I am getting more and more worried that the world I brought in our little girl may not even be livable when she's ready to live her life. It seems like there is really no safe place to live nowadays.

To think that the mall is a public place. Hundreds of people were probably in that mall at that time but that didn't save those 7 people that the shooter killed in his aim of going out in style.

If you want to read more of this senseless killing, go here.


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