Traditions for the New Year...

My katukayo, Lucel Juliana, handed me down this time bomb...I mean time-sensitive tag. So now I'm trying to beat the deadline so it won't explode on my hands. I have to get rid of it ASAP...don't want to be starting my 2008 with BANG....literally. Hehe....thanks, Tuks.

Let me tag: Darlene, Emma, Nancy, Roselle, Texas Sweetie-Anne, Ritchiela, Michelle and Norm. Ladies, come over here and get this before the time is up. Let's see who will have this one explode in her care....bwa hahaha....

The Big Question: What are some of your new year’s good luck traditions?

Rule: Copy the person and persons’ names that sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list. It really helps to build community.

Lets start it here!

*My mom used to collect some coins and when the new year comes she put the coins in a bowl and shake it to create sounds. She said its good luck for money throughout the year. And also wearing dotted dresses on new year don’t know why. CC/chalyza/keep

*My old folks always told us to avoid spending money on new years day. They said, once you spend on the first day of the year, you like to spend the rest of the year.Behind d Scenes of ME/ Retchel’s Pure Life/ /A little bit of me

*I grew up believing that if you have some money on your pocket (whatever you’re wearing) come New Year’s eve it will ensure steady flow of income throughout the year. The other belief is that the main door of the house should be wide open come New Year’s eve so that good luck will be ushered in. Juliana of MY WORLD and JULIANA’S LAIR.

* A lot actually. Let me count the ways. (1) My mother had to have new 'dusters' [house clothes?] with dots on them....symbolizing - money! Ahem! When I started working, I was the one that bought her the 'dusters' for her so I did a little bit of 'altering' and bought her one with dots and one with rectangular shapes on them - ya' bills..hehe. (2) Just like tukayo, we were also told that having money in our pocket is goodluck. (3) When we were younger, we used to tie up tin cans. We would go around the neighborhood making noises because that would mean our year will be filled with happy noises..haha. (4) Round fruits - 12 of them I think - have to be in the middle of the media noche table. I can go on and on but I will stop here because I have some other things to do. This is me: Juliana of Pinay Wahm and Teacher's Corner.


Utah Mommy said…
Thank you so much mommy J will do this sometime this week i guess sa next year na kasi last day na ng 2007 ngayon hehehehe May you have many blessings that comes your way as you welcome the new year being with your family. God bless!
Norm said…
thanks for your tag friend! May this year 2008 brings you more happiness and abundance in life...God bless your family always
Michelle said…
Thanks for tagging me this, I'll add your name as one of the person tagging me this. Happy New Year!
Ritchelle said…
thank you for this tag teacher.I've done it already..,

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