Busy, Busy Saturday...


Work wise that is. I have been sitting in front of this laptop since this morning. I only get up when my little one wants something or to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. How about all of you? It's Saturday so the blogging world is kinda' sleepy. I have only visited a few...those who came to drop by. I had to return the favor, you know.

Anyway, it's 5:08 PM where I am so it's almost dinner time. Guess what we're having for dinner? Pizza and chicken wings from Mama Mia pizza house. Like I said I have not been off the 'puter the whole day so I why not push it to the limit and order some home delivery, right? I'm getting off here for a little while.

So here's another shameless plug...this blog is nominated this week for the "Blog of the Week". If you feel like giving me some love, just click the logo below. It will take you to the site. PinayWahm is the last entry.Thanks much....


Unknown said…
hi sis...thanks for dropping by, wow! congrats! i voted for you, too.

i'm busy with my other blog please vote my blog idealpinrose here.

thanks a lot from allinkorea
Anonymous said…
voted for u, nanginginig pa, lol!
Anonymous said…
hello mom,..IM a great supporter..voted for u everyday..hehe
AJ said…
congrats, congrats..you're already a winner for making it there! :) u may xlink wd me..i'll do support u, too.!

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