Golf Accessories
Golf is probably a game I will never learn. Well, maybe I would but it will take some time to teach me I bet. But I have some friends who love this game. Funny thing is even if they are not playing, you would still see them ‘hitting’ an imaginary ball with an ‘imaginary’ bat. I guess that’s how addicting the game is. My brother has also started playing this game not too long ago. So when I asked him what he wants for his birthday later this month he didn't think twice, yes, something for golf. So off I went searching for golf bags first because that’s number one on his list. I found quite a few online so I decided to choose a couple that I can show my husband so we can decide together. I found these bags at Here they are.

While I was at the site, I also browsed for golf balls. They have a lot of golf balls, both brand new ones and used ones. They have use Callaway golf balls that they sell for as low as $7.99 a dozen which are still in very good conditions. That is a steal in my opinion. Since Callaway golf balls are a must for golfers, I’m sure my dear brother would be thrilled once I tell him about these golf balls. Hey, a golfer can never have enough golf balls, right?
Golf is probably a game I will never learn. Well, maybe I would but it will take some time to teach me I bet. But I have some friends who love this game. Funny thing is even if they are not playing, you would still see them ‘hitting’ an imaginary ball with an ‘imaginary’ bat. I guess that’s how addicting the game is. My brother has also started playing this game not too long ago. So when I asked him what he wants for his birthday later this month he didn't think twice, yes, something for golf. So off I went searching for golf bags first because that’s number one on his list. I found quite a few online so I decided to choose a couple that I can show my husband so we can decide together. I found these bags at Here they are.

While I was at the site, I also browsed for golf balls. They have a lot of golf balls, both brand new ones and used ones. They have use Callaway golf balls that they sell for as low as $7.99 a dozen which are still in very good conditions. That is a steal in my opinion. Since Callaway golf balls are a must for golfers, I’m sure my dear brother would be thrilled once I tell him about these golf balls. Hey, a golfer can never have enough golf balls, right?