Is your Job Recession-Proof???


Well, if you're in anything related to the housing industry, probably not. This is what those in outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas are saying. Having been directly affected with real estate roller coaster ride for the past few years, I can only agree with that. Just a few days ago, the project manager of the house we are having built was FIRED from her job. Not enough work for the builder so they had to do the cost-cutting strategy of firing those they believe are not useful in their business right now.

According to the economists at Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, the US is on its way for a full blown recession in 16 years. Surprising? Not quite because a whopping 57% believe that we are in recession already.

So What are these industries they are saying will not be affected if the big "R" indeed happens [or is happening already]??? Education, Energy, Health Care, Environmental Sector, Security and International Business. The first 5 are kind of self explanatory. Take for instance Education, there will always be students to teach believe it or not even if all these high tech ways of learning are keep popping up. I was able to teach online for 3 years and I was able to do it in the comfort of my home. So I am not a bit surprised that education-related jobs is in the list of the recession-proof jobs. Maybe I should go back to my teaching job, eh? But with the last one - international business - I can say that I am surprised. A lot of businesses are closing down but then again, it's international. Per the article, as long as you know the tricks in running an international busines, then you can actually survive this economic slump we're in right now.

Source: Yahoo HotJobs News


Mommy said…
Feeling ko kaya nag karoon ng recession dahil sa Iraq war na yan billions of dollars kaya ginagastos dyan araw-araw. Kaya if you'll gonna vote for presidential election for this yr. vote wisely. Tama na yung president na mahilig sa gyera at big boss ng oil.

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