Ah..the joys of being a MOM!!!


My little one likes to cut and paste and tie stuff together just like any other kid out there. She had given me so many cut outs of heart, flowers and what nots through the years that I can hardly keep up and keep them all.

Yesterday, she was busy cutting up something again while I was putting stuff in boxes [yes, I'm doing the packing little by little, one box at a time]. It was pretty tiring doing that the whole day. But at the end of the day, she handed this 'heart card' she was working on... and it's all I needed to forget how tired I was from all the packing and tying I did. It's not the best looking card but it's the best card for a mother like me.

Here's the front of the card. Here she wrote: You're My Love"..ain't that sweet?

And the back says: "Love"

She actually wrote something in the inside of it but I wasn't able to take a picture of it. Anyway, I just thought I'd post it here to share it with you all. With all the "awards' I have been posting from friends about valentines...I thought my little one's Valentine 'award' for me deserves its own post as well. Don't you think???
Enjoy your Sunday everyone. I have some more packing to do while the hubs is at the new house doing some wiring. Yep, it's getting there. We may move sooner than we thought so wish us luck. Thanks much!


Norm said…
wow sis! a perfect valentines card from your little angel, so sweet talaga..
Anonymous said…
Sweet naman nang dalaging-ging nyo po...Happy valentines in advance sa inyo dyan!
J said…
pwede isama mo ako. somewhere warm and cozy. grabe, it was frigid today dito sa amin.
honey said…
wow so sweet naman ng yung little cutie mommy..For sure tha's one of the best valentines gift...
""rarejonRez"" said…
wow! that is priceless!!! ang ganda naman...

another WOW!!! on ur move. ang sarap! bahala na kung nakakapagod, basta home sweet home ang patutunguhan!

and a wow for me as well. kasi... as u'v read it.. we will be away for 5 months! hehe... just a break lang naman sa pinas. ano, sama tayo??? :D
Vicky said…
Oh that is so sweet. You will have to keep that one forever! Happy Valentines day to you a little bit early

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