Diamonds in Oysters???


Not too long ago, a diner found a pearl while having dinner at a restaurant in Florida. According to the news, the rare pearl can cost thousands of dollars if it’s sold. Isn’t that amazing? You know what could be more amazing? If diamonds actually come from oyster!! Like maybe a 5-carat diamond. I’m sure that if oyster actually produce diamonds, more people will be eating this food. I’m not sure about me though. I have not been a big oyster eater. I have had them cooked but never raw. I wish I can but I just can’t eat raw oyster, or any other raw food for that matter.

Having said that, I know a lot people that just love raw oyster, including my husband. And since we are in Florida, near the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf oysters are plentiful. So I am really glad to have come across a website called Be Oyster Aware. It has a wealth of information on anything and everything about oysters. One thing that really made me kind of concern about the consumption of raw oysters is the possibility of getting Vibrio vulnificus infections. With this information that I read, I’m sure that I wouldn’t be trying raw oyster anytime soon. Well, that may change if diamonds are actually coming out of oysters.


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