It's Raining AWARDS!!!! my blogger friends who handed me the awards/badges/trophies/plaque below. I want you all to know that it's very much appreciated and I am hoping that I truly deserve these. This butterfly 'Award' is going to these ladies who so kindly included me in their list of recipients.
This cute butterfly is for: Lena, Ruby, Wildcatlady29 and Gracie. Please come pick up this simple 'thank you' from yours truly! Cheers!
Here are the awards/tags passed on to me by those wonderful ladies. Let me share these to Nancy, Ritchelle, Mommy Emma, Emzkie and Denz. I'm sure some of you have some of these. But if you don't have them yet, please feel free to post them in your blogs.

thanks for this teacher,like you i also apprciated it!God Bless..