Vista Prints...Invites in Style


I would say that this year has been off to a good start for me and my family. As I have been ‘announcing’ here in my blog our long-awaited house is being built already. There is a very good chance that by next month, we may be able to move into it. It’s very exciting just thinking about it. Come April, it’s our little girl’s birthday so that will be the first celebration in our new abode. Because of this very reason, I am planning in sending out custom invitations. Why not? It’s a very special time in our life so I am going to do it in style. The invitations will also serve as our moving announcement to family and friends.

I am really very excited. So as early as now I have been really doing some searching on the invites that I want…and I may have just found it. Vista Prints has really nice custom invitations that I really like. Right now, they have coupon codes that I can use like ‘BlogInvite10’ for the custom invitations that I want. With the coupon, I will get additional 10 invitations free of charge! Yay! With the great coupons they are offering, I may just order some other invitations aside from the ones I need right now.


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