What Some Parents Would Do....


...to make their child's dream come true!! Or is it? Their child's dream I mean! Okay, I know I'm not making any sense here so let me explain what I'm trying to say!

I was flipping channels while doing some work on my computer and I came across a show on the Bravo Channel. I'm not even sure what the title of the show is but it's about Outrageous Moments on TV I believe. The first thing I saw was was a Paula Abdul fan crying and swooning over Paula while getting an autograph. That's fine...I have no problem with that. Then came a fan of Kathy Griffin...a doctor [a Chinese Ob-Gyn] who was also literally swooning over Kathy. Fine, no problem again. I thought those fans were pretty funny actually.

What came after those 2 segments was what made me write this entry. It's a segment where a little girl was about to get a tan! Yes, a little girl...like a 3 or 4 year old girl, who I think was joining some kind of a pageant! Her Mom and Grandma said that she's too pale...and if she wants to look good on stage, then she had to get a tan! The little girl was whining the whole time they were spraying her in the salon...and I was watching with my mouth open!!! She kept saying she didn't want to do it and kept asking if she's done yet. I thought they were just going to do a little spray here and there but nope, they sprayed her all over. The mother and the grandmother were saying the same thing...if she wants to look good on stage, then she needs a tan because she looks really pale with all the bright lights! What??? Does a 3 or a 4 year old know that???

Grrr.....I am not making much sense here because I'm just typing away. I'm just too pumped up about this thing right now. I know there was a show on this before but I did not watch it because I knew I was going to react the same way. I just cannot fathom why parents would do such a thing. Why can't just let their kids be kids???


Nova said…
yikes. thats no good at all, i mean you should have to listen to what your kids wants and dreams not what mothers or parents wants or dreams.

well, i can't be sure of this, but someday when i got a kids on my own? i'll probably help them enhance the talent that they naturally have instead of forcing into something that they dont really want or like to do it...

i have been into this kind of situation well obviously in just a different case, my mom wants me to be like this in the ways of singing well, she's REALLY A VERY VERY GOOD SINGER... what i did? even i got pinch and spank, i will not listen to her.... heheeheh... siguro i'm just born to be a very stubborn child...

have a nice day...
Anonymous said…
thats awful mommy jul.some parents kasi may frustration nong childhood nila kaya continue nila sa anak nila which is very very bad..feel sorry for those kids.
Anonymous said…

Sad isn't it? Ang sabi ng iba- peer pressure or hollywood influenced daw but I believe it's about parenting din. I feel sorry sa mga batang ito- nakakalungkot isipin. :(


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