Busy Friday...


Kinda' anyway. Like I mentioned in my first post today, we had an early start today - at least for me and the little one. The H woke up late, around 7 [late for him because he normally leaves for work before 5 AM] so after bidding him bye-bye, the little one and I just stayed in bed watching TV until about 8. We had breakfast then I started doing some work - for a change. Laundry was also going while I was working. So yeah, I can say I was a bit more productive today than yesterday. Tomorrow is another day though..haha.

I didn't blog much though. I bloghopped to most of my blog roll's cribs but that's about it. Now I am here trying to beat time and post the maximum for the day on this blog. I have about an hour and 45 minutes to write 2 more plus some in-betweens.

Anyway, I read in one of the boards that the mighty G has reared its ugly head again and handed down the dreaded big fat zero to some bloggers who used to have a 3 on their blogs. I guess it's just a matter of days, even hours, before I get it myself. Oh well...like I said when I first got the rank, I knew it's only something temporary. I still have the rank but I am not pinning my hopes on it anymore since I've been taking advantage of it, if you know what I mean.

Gotta go for now.....see ya!


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