Cruising Along....


An older friend of mine who retired a few years ago likes to travel a lot with her husband. They have been to almost all the countries in Asia and a lot of countries in Europe. Her husband is presently in Taiwan for some consultation job but he’s coming over here in the US in about a month or so. My friend is talking about taking another vacation with him as soon as he arrives here. While we were talking on the phone she was surfing online for some possible places they can go to while her husband is here. She is thinking of going to Hawaii, Florida or Alaska. These are the top 3 places on her list so when I came across this amazing Alaska cruise vacation deal, I automatically thought of her. The one I came across with is from and they have quite a few choices of Alaska cruises that my friend can choose from. Actually, they have a lot of other cruises that my friend can choose from. My friend would probably be like a kid in a candy store once she visits


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