Custom Magnets to Remember You By...


One of the most common ways to promote a business is by giving away small things that may or can represent the company or the business. A store that we frequent to gave us a pen that we are still using now. Another business gave us a calendar while another company we had business with sent us a mug. I can see their points in giving away stuff like that. They make people remember their businesses everytime those little give-aways are used.

But one of the most common give-away we have received here in our household are magnets. An animal removal specialist we hired to remove turtles from our property sent us a magnet with their logo and contact information on it. A real estate company we were dealing with a couple of years ago sends us magnetic calendars every year. So when my husband and his partner were thinking of having give-away to promote their company, I knew right away what to suggest: custom magnets for the fridge. It’s something that people see everytime they open their refrigerators. My husband likes the idea so he asked me to tell him if I come across a place that makes these magnets. Guess what? I am about to call him because I found just the place…VistaPrint. Aside from having affordable custom magnets, they also give 25 free small magnets if the coupon code “Blog25FreeMag” is used. Nice! I am sure my husband’s customers will love to have those magnets.


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