Life is Full of Gratitude....

I "try" to do all the tags that I get...try being the operative word here since I can't keep up with all of them. But if there are tags I like doing, it has to be something like this one. Something that makes me think and look at my life in a positive way.

That being said, I'd like to thank Nelle of Lucid Creativity not only for passing on this one to me but for including "meeting me" as one of the things she's grateful for. I didn't expect it but it's very flattering. So let me start by saying that I am also grateful for 'bumping' into her here in the blogesphere. I can still remember where that first encounter was. It was on JK's blog. Without getting into too much detail, she left a message for JK and I got to read it. Her message was very touching that it made me visit her blog. That simple.

It's not everyday that you come across someone like that...didn't know then that's she's only 21 yrs old. I was still playing hide and seek and blowing bubbles at that age [ha!]...but there she was imparting some words of wisdom. Today, here we are...full-pledged members of the MAC together with Mommy Ruby. MAC?? Mutual Admiration Club...haha.

What else am I grateful about/for? Plenty actually. My life is blessed in so many ways. I didn't grow up with all the material things I wanted [and needed sometimes] but it was a very happy childhood. For that I'm grateful for/to my parents and siblings. Yes we went [still do] through all the dramas that families go through but at the end of the day, it's us that stayed together ...through thick and thin.

My parents for letting me grow and letting me go when I had to so I can live a life that I may have not known if they hadn't let me go. It was probably one of the hardest things for them to do but they did it for me...and I will forever be grateful for that.

Some unknown person/s that sent me through college. I never met him/her/they but I will always be grateful because without their financial assistance, I probably wouldn't be where I am right now.

The nuns in a dormitory at Pope Pius XII Catholic Center for providing me with a safe haven while I was away from my family. I so loved that place I stayed for another year after my college graduation...

My husband for finding him when I did [yes, I found him]. For being the best Dad and husband I could ever ask for. For having a dream and doing what it takes to realize that dream. For letting me stay home with our little one and for not resenting me for not learning how to drive [yet].

Our daughter for making life worth living for. I never really thought I'd be a mother one day as I used to be so busy being a daughter myself. Now that we have her, I can't imagine life without her.

I have a lot of other things I am grateful about/for but if I start listing them all it will take me forever to finish this interesting tag. So I am stopping here for now and wait for a similar tag [or this very same tag from another blogger...haha] to list down some of the things I am grateful for.

And now it's my turn to see what some of my blogger friends are thankful for. So let me tag the following:


*Start Copy*

In order to be able to achieve and maintain happiness we need to, actively, be able to do two things: Complain and then let go (Dump the baggage, the roadblocks to happiness.) Express Gratitude (The open expression of gratitude promotes happiness.) After all everyone has something to be grateful for and/or something to complain about. If you would like to share, please follow the appropriate link and do so: “Are You Grateful?”, “Complain Complain Complain.”

Add your name to the current List of Contributors: 1-Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2-Max 3-DianaCA’s Metamorphoses 4-Mental Poo 5-My Thoughts 6-Baba Doodlius 7-Wake Up America 8-Life is a Roller Coaster 9-Life is beautiful 10-Pinay Mommy Online 11-Nelle-LucidCreativity 12- Juliana of PinayWahm 13- INSERT YOUR LINK HERE

*End Copy*


Anonymous said…
Hollaaaa!!! Yup Luna is now getting my attention whenever she wants or she may take revenge again. Funny thing is I left my slippers so she can bite and ruin it anytime she wants but she never did touch it again. Sutil mana daw sa nanay sabi ng asawa ko.

Thanks for this tagged pala I will post it right away.
thanks for the tag I'll do it soon,,, LOL!
Merydith said…
Thanks Jul will do it on Monday. Fasting ako sa blogging kasi weekend. TC!
jana said…
thks sa tag jull, ito ang gusto kong tag, nakakatouch, ill make it soon thx talaga
Tess said…
hu, hu, hu! napaiyak ako dito ah! TY dito, will TRY to do this as soon as i get time kasi nagloloko internet ko. happy weekend!
thanks for this. i will do this the soonest i can. happy weekend.
Allen's Darling said…
hi ito na syempre touched ako hehehe
Norm said…
hello jul! thanks for this tag and happy weekend..
Sunshinelene said…
hi juls, done the tag. i know my list is endless but ive mentioned the biggest part of it. hehehe

nite nite
Ritchelle said…
Eh,pang comedy po ung sa akin eh,meaning ala akong maisip for this,naks.Please give me time to compose mine,please?hahaha
Anonymous said…
Hello Juliana, thanks for the tag, i got it already and will be posting it soon on my blog:)Happy Weekend!:)
Bless said…
Hi Jul! Thanks for the tag. I will do it asap :-)
Shimumsy said…
hi J,
thanks for the tag. this is something..kung baga a serious post/tag. i will do it pero compose ko muna. i need quiet time on this LOL.

have a nice week ahead.
mjsterling said…
hmmmm interesting tag....prang di pa to naka rating sa akin, baka e grab ko eto mommy Jul ha.
Prily said…
Thanks for including me in this tag.I will start my April tomorrow by doing this.For the meantime,let me reflect about the positive things and throw away the negative energy that i still have.I'll gonna update you tomorrow once i'm done.Again,thanks,my friend.
Hello mommy Juliana, thanks for tagging me! I will post it later. Ingat!
Arlene said…
Interesting tag. I always applaud you for taking your time to do your post/s. I feel like you always give your best thoughts whenever you write something! Thanks for the tag...

Nova said…
thankies for the tag, i will do it soon, i like what i read though.. and its totally nice...
Unknown said…
hi sis, thanks for this tag...i'll try to do it soon...ang dami ko ng dapat sagutin at ako'y walang time or tamad lang kaya? hehehe...


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