Made it to Top 5 Hottest Blogs.....
Thanks to all those that listed my blog as one of their 'top 5 hottest blog'....this is for all of us!!! Cheers....
Yes, I did!! This blog is included as one of the top 5 hottest blog. My blog is #7 which meant it's tied with another blog...I think. Gagay was the one that actually told me about it a long time ago. I did my part and nominated some blogs but I didn't expect this blog to be included in the list of the 'final' winners. Woo Hooo!!!
Thanks much to BlueDreamer for this 'token'. Like I said, it's not expected but very much appreciated and I'm flattered of course. [wiping a drop of tear[?] here... ]
Thanks much to BlueDreamer for this 'token'. Like I said, it's not expected but very much appreciated and I'm flattered of course. [wiping a drop of tear[?] here... ]
Thanks to all those that listed my blog as one of their 'top 5 hottest blog'....this is for all of us!!! Cheers....
- Nelle