Make More Friends....another Tag!!

Yep, it's another tag..hehe. Why not??? This time it's from JK of See Me for What You Will...thanks much, JK.

~~Begin Copy~~

This is the easy way and the fastest way to :

1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.Rules :

1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can.

1. Picturing of Life
2. Juliana’s Site
3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future.
4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space
5. Starz in De Sky
6. My Charmed Life
7. Denz Techtronics
8. Denz Recreational
9. Life’s Simple Pleasures
10. My Blog
11. Because Life is Fun
12. In This Game of Life
13. Scribbles of my Life
14. Changing Lanes
15. This is what my heart says...
16. A mom's note
17. Tasteful Voyage
18. Jackie's Everyday Life
19. Jackie Simply Pinay
20. Gerthy's Scrapbook
21. Gerthy Sanctary
23. Asawa's Love Book
24. A Mother's Journal
25. Simple Life, Simply Me
26. Pinaymama's Diary
27. See Me for what You Will
27. Pinay WAHM

~~End Copy~~

So who do I tag this time? Hmm...I guess no one again since I tagged all of my blogger friends earlier. I'm afraid they might ban me from coming to their sites if all I do is tag them..haha.


Ritchelle said…
hahaha,you're right.If I have to do this dapat ung mga sites na andito bibisita rin sa blog ko and add me, di po ba?Or maybe e edit nila ung entries nila para fair!

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