Our House Progress in Pictures...


I've been writing so much about our house here on my blog so I thought of posting the our house progress in pictures. I think I posted a couple before so you may have seen some of these pictures before. As you can see in the pictures, the house is slowly but surely getting there. True, the husband is not very satisfied with the way work is being done but just knowing that we're finally seeing some progress after 4 years of waiting is making us a bit more lenient.

Last week alone, I think he went to the site almost everyday because he saw some things that he wants fixed before they do the final touches. Yes they were able to do some but not all so what did my husband do, fixed them himself. I think he's really tired of just waiting around for those people who are working in the house to fix them. Anyway, on with the pictures.

This is one of the very first pictures I took myself. I was just so happy to finally see some walls finally go up.

This is the picture I took today. If we were living in my province in the Philippines, we would probably be moving in the house just about now....LOL.
That's it. Hopefully next time I post a picture it would be of the finish product already. I wish!!!


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