Pay It Forward [Comments Edition]....a Tag! Tadaaa......

Yes it is a overdue tag at that. I am kinda' busy for the past few days that I only post here when I can make some 'moolah' and the interim posts that are needed to keep on making the 'datung'.

So my apologies to Nelle of Lucid Creativity for not doing this really nice tag. But...I am doing it now...and it's all that counts, right Nelle??? [hehe] Anyway, thanks much for this tag and I will try to do my best on this one.

As the title of the tag conveys, it's time to Pay Forward...yep, only something positive because it won't be paying forward if we touch on the negative. We have enough of the negative stuff in the world so let's try to be 'positive'...

Here are the rules, I think...

Just like the movie “Pay It Forward”, its all about good deeds and everything follows. . .

All you have to do is to give 1 comment to at least 3 persons. 1 comment per post and as much as possible, make your comment relevant to their post so they get quality comment and not a “cute nice spam”. And then tag them to do the same. Note that You can tag as many bloggers as u want, which means you will be commenting on all of them too! Those who are tagged, should give back the love and comment on the site who tagged them.

meaning: 1st person (tag and start commenting) - - > 2 person (been tagged, give a comment back to 1st person, tag and start commenting) - - > 3rd person (been tagged, give comment back to 2nd person, tag and start commenting) - - until eternity - -

Then add your link here:

Nelle, Juliana, Your Link Here

Here it goes and I hope I'm doing it right.

My comment to the one who tagged me:

Nelle - Creative blogger thus the blog 'Lucid Creativity' I guess. Basing it on her blog, she is a very articulate writer. Her blog looks different compared to the usual blog - I guess it's the template. Nicely done.

I am tagging the following bloggers: [I'm off to your blogs in a while to do the "commenting" but I thought I'd put some short messages as to why I chose the following 3 bloggers].

1. Roselle of Sweet Escape
-->> She's my main influence with this blogging thing. We just 'connect' even if we have not met in person yet.
2. Nancy of My Simple Life
-->> A 'Kabalen' [fellow kapampangan], we just have that 'kabalen' connection. Funny and can laugh at herself and her 'goof ups'...I think I can make fun of her [and she can make fun of me] and we don't get offended..right Nancy??? I better be right...LOL...
3. Lucel Juliana of My World
-->> One articulate person. Her blogs are very organized and full of useful information. Again, the 'connection' is there because of the name...aha!

There you go. I hope I did this right, Nelle. Thanks again.


J said…
salamat po ng marami(parang bata 'noh). just don't mind me please, I'm just trying to humor myself.
Nelle said…
Hi Juliana, I didn't saw this earlier on my WP dashboard. But thanks for doing this confusing tag of mine., hehe (I know!) :P

Anyways, thanks for all that You've said about me. I really appreciate it. you know you're one of the blogger that I like.

thanks for taking time. I hope you're doing great! Sending luv from here

- nelle

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