PR and the Tag Board..


I'm just curious as to where some bloggers got the idea that having a tag board can actually affect the blog's PR. Really???

This is just an observation and I don't mean to offend anyone BUT how are they related? Is it because of the infamous backlinks that are needed when we leave comments instead of a tag/message in a tag board?

Anyway, this blog had its ups and downs. Its PR keeps changing. It had a PR3, then PR0 and now PR2, I think. But one thing that didn't change here...the tag board has always been there. I never removed it. Most of my visitors leave their message there...and that's fine by me. My tag board is also my point of reference sometimes as to who I should visit if I am extremely busy like right now.

So if anyone can explain to me as to how PR and tag boards are related, I would appreciate it. Just for the record, I've seen blogs with PR7 and they DO HAVE a cbox in their it must not be the PR, right?


honey said…
Hi ate..wla po ako explanation..ehehhe..PR0 pa po blog ko..ehhehe..when pa kaya yun mag increase..duhh..bsta i enjoyed blogging.Diba te..
as for me naman, i seen a lot of people with extremely high PR ranks with cbox. but i removed mine not because of PR but for the sake of traditional blogging that made it very fun - leaving comments on posts - and helping other blogs to get backlinks.

with cbox, sometimes i cant even read all the messages because most of them were already gone or can't refer back because i am using a free cbox which can store limited messages.

with comments, if i forgot something, i just refer back to my previous post and find them all there.

by the way, thanks for the visit. i got you tagged too. if you don't mind. God bless!!

Pinay Mommy
Sunshinelene said…
hi juls, i haven't penned down this idea ever but that's on my mind last year yet. i can agree with that idea based in my experienced with my wordpress blog. i think in 4 months time i already had a PR of 5. in wordpress categories can be converted to tags too or the other way around. kaya if a person will google: life is what we make it/ sunshineforlife/ crazy things to do/ happy baby/ meaningful thoughts and so on...they can be directed to my blog. In this way, I conclude that there's possibility that PR & tags are related as maybe this is the way google gave me that PR 5.

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