A Special Book for a Special Girl...


This is what we got in the mail today!

It’s a one of the personalized books I found online that I ‘intended’ to give our little one for her birthday in a few weeks. I quoted intended because that’s what I originally thought of doing. But since the two of us usually get the mail, there is just no chance that she would miss something like this. So even if my intention was good, it didn’t go as planned. But that’s alright because she loves the book to the max. She read it as soon as it came out of the package it came in…and she’s done reading already.

These personalized books are really neat. My little girl enjoyed it tremendously because it’s "her" who is the star of the story. Everytime she comes across her name in the story she would just giggle and would have this huge smile on her face. The prints of the book are just perfect for her to actually enjoy reading the whole book in one sitting. The illustration in the book is also very nicely done and colorful that my daughter would stay on the page after reading to admire the illustrations. And guess what? It's very affordable.

Since my surprise for her is somehow ruined, I decided to find something else for her, and yes something personalized again. Since I am very much pleased with this book we got in the mail today, I am thinking of getting this ‘Care Bear Alarm Clock’ from the same place I got the book, Kids Personally, LLC. I'm sure she will be thrilled to get this one as well.


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