Still a bit Under the Weather....


Yep, I am still not in my elements today. I definitely have the sniffles and I have a bit of a sore throat. That's on top of my allergies so I don't know what's making me sneeze and have runny nose. It's not unusual for me to end up with a cough which sucks. I hate having coughs. They seem to always attack me at night.

The good news though is my little one does not have sniffles anymore. I was starting to worry that she may have the cough as well but she didn't so I'm happy with that. Just like every mother out there, I don't like seeing her sick or ill.

So what am I doing? Blogging of course. I have not done much hopping yet but I'll try to do it a little later on. I'm also flipping channels looking for something worth watching. Not much at this time. I have X-Files on right now...

Thanks to all those who came by already! I'll try to return the favor soon...take care!


Anonymous said…
hope you feel better soon. tc.

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