What's Next After Easter?


Halloween of course! Well, that's according to our little one. Ask her what her favorite celebration is and she will say without hesitation: Halloween! Wonder why? It’s because of the costume that she gets to wear on this day. As early as now she’s actually talking about what she wants to be on Halloween. I am not holding my breath that it’s going to stay the same but I am already looking at kids costumes and bookmarking sites just in case. I can also suggest some to her and I’m sure it will be appreciated. She had been a Princess, a Ballerina and Jojo Circus in the past. I am actually excited what she’s going to end up being this year.

Here she is last Halloween while doing her 'rounds'.


honey said…
hello te..She really is soo cute
Nova said…
siguro, she loves all her customes and would love to have a different one again... kids love to be just anything they want...

kaya your girl surely can't wait for another HALLOWEEN...
Normz said…
hehe she's so cute girl..
Normz said…
got an award for you here http://sweetienormz.blogspot.com

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