The Best Gift


Education does not come cheap. That being said, I personally believe that everyone should get an education if at all possible. I was lucky enough that I was able to apply for scholarships when time came for me to go to college. I got one and I believe that if I didn’t get that scholarship I probably wouldn’t have the education I have right now. During my time, it was not easy to get a scholarship. So I envy students of today because through they have free access to an extensive list of grants and college opportunities. This place has almost 3 million grants and scholarships worth about $19 billion that any student can take advantage of. So if you or someone you know needs assistance in going to college, tell them about It's probably the best gift one can ever receive.


bluedreamer27 said…
hello pinay wahm gheeeh you inpired me by this post education is the number 1 thing to be prioritize
it is very important
and its wonderfu to know that theres already a website where they can apply for scholarships so as for them to continue education

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