Did it!!!


I just finished visiting at least one of the blogs of each of my blog roll....rock and roll!! Yeah. Some of the blogs I visited have not been updated for a while and I have not seen them hopping as well. I wonder if those are not active anymore.

How I wish that all bloggers are like Michelle - My Small World. You see, she started a new blog not too long ago. But she decided not to push through with it. The good thing is: She made an entry about it in her other blog. I commend her for doing that because at least I know that her blog is non-existent now.

I'm not complaining here...just stating some observations. I know there's about 5 or even more bloggers I have not seen in a while so I am just wondering if they are still around or not.

Oh well...I guess it's for us to just find out without being told, eh?

Anyway, I will be working for a bit now since I'm done with my hopping. Have a great day/night to all of you out there....

P.S. I saw some requests for exchanging links. I will try and add them as soon as I'm not swamped with work anymore. Also, I will try to make a link for all the requests so I won't overlook anyone.


Anonymous said…
Hello Juliana, thank you for visiting my blog. I admire you for visiting your blog links whenever you can. I'm trying to catch up too and visit my links:)Have a good day:)
SHIELA said…
ang sipag mo naman. i'm so glad i have a blogger friend like you.

thank you my dear.
Merydith said…
Jul I know I have overlooked a lot of people sa exchange ng links ba. Yong ayaw ko lang talaga yong bang asking me to ask them then to let them know if I have added them already. Aba hindi ko pa nga kilala at nag order me around na hehehe. Anyways, I don't have that much time blogging anymore. The moment I start sitting down ayon magagalit na ang kiko kay gusto siyang maglaro kami. Anyways, thanks for the visit.
Michelle said…
bah andito name ko ah! haha yeah, i wonder also where are all the bloggers on my list whom i blog hop but didn't visit me back. thanks for making me as a good example. naks! :)
jana said…
ang iba din add ko sila matagal na tapos after a while wala pala ako sa list nila huhuhu
anyway idol talaga kita jull ang sipag mag visit thx a lot ha

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