Food for Thoughts....

A high school classmate sent me this inspiring quotations with accompanying photos. I thought they're too good not to share. So I am posting them all here for each and everyone of you.

To all who came to visit me today....THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Your visit is very much appreciated!

My favorite simply because it conveys what I have always believed in...that of being true to yourself.


Marie said…
wow! very beautiful tulips.... wish i have those in the backyard..
HONEY said…
Hello te, I love the message and I agree with it and so does the flowers, those are my favorites, Everytime Scott send me Flowers, Its always be the yellow tulips and the red one.. Yellow is my favorite...
Utah Mommy said…
I love all the quotes you have here Mommy J, they are indeed all true, i agree. Hope you have a good Friday morning!

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