Rebuilding Their Lives....


I have a brother in law who got into an accident a few years ago. As a result of the accident, he has now a chronic back pain that prevents him from doing any strenuous jobs like his old construction job. Since he can no longer meet the physical demands of his old job, he decided to just stay home hoping he’ll be able to heal and go back to it after a few years. Unfortunately, it’s not happening. So he thought of the next best thing which is starting his own construction business. He took some classes and got a contractor license soon after. Since he got some kind of a settlement from his accident, he is now looking for a structured settlement factoring exchange to help him get lump sum of money to use as a start-up for his business. I immediately thought of them when I came across Solid Funding. With their no hidden fees, no legal fees service, I’m sure my brother-in law and his wife will be willing to see what this place can do for them. I am hoping that they get the assistance they need soon so they can start rebuilding their lives already.


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