Art Bell...Yeah, that Art Bell...


I originally didn't plan on writing about Mr. Art Bell and the email letter that was supposedly been written by him and has been circulating online for a few years. The letter contained some derogatory statements about Filipinos. Just recently, the said 'email letter' resurfaced again but this time, it's being posted on some blogs. Some even went bloghopping for the purpose of making fellow Filipinos aware of the email letter.

Let me just say that I've read that letter years ago and I never really paid attention to it and I didn't pay attention to it either when it resurfaced again...but I thought I'd say my piece here then leave it at that.

In this age of technology where a lot of things can be circulated around the world with just click of a mouse, we should be careful in believing [and spreading] everything that we receive and read. Like they say, "take it with a grain of salt".

One place I go to to check the validity of a lot of the things that are circulating around through forwarded emails - like lead in lipstick or exploding recharging cellphones - is Snopes.

Unfortunately, the "Art Bell email letter" is not in Snopes but a little research would have saved a lot of those who got all agitated, angry, outrage, the wasted energy and unnecessary judgment. The email letter per Wikipedia is a H-O-A-X. The Philippine Daily Inquirer which originally published this letter in 2001 retracted and apologized to Mr. Bell.

Mr. Bell was married to a Filipina for 15 years. After she passed on, Mr.Bell married another Filipina in 2006.


that's one of the problem with pinoys.. very gullible sa mga tsismis. take the recent post i made re the earthquake that was suppposed to hit Luzon. di muna binasa mabuti ang report e kaya wrong dissemination of info.

anyway, grabe na-stalk ka rin pala dyan? professional stalkers pala yon 2 ano. wish!!!!
Anonymous said…
hurraayy I had this email during my call center time but that was long time ago and art wives were both from PI. But I think I also read an article that he denied this issue.

Anyways, malagu got you a tag here
buti na lang i didn't post about it. thanks back pains!! LOL....
Nova said…
i can only say about art that his one of those pathetic losers.. hahahaha....
Marites said…
Talaga ka, Juls..i've had this email years ago rin and I was also outraged at Art Bell. Kawawa naman siya at naging victim ng walang katuturan. Thanks for the post! Ekk..buti nalang hindi ko na=post iyong na-email sa akin :)

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