Bloggers Around the World....a Tag!


Nova of SuperNova & SweetPain tagged me on this one. It's a long overdue tag so I'm doing it now...better late than never, right Novs? Haha... Thanks for always remembering to include me in your tags girl! It's very much appreciated!

Let all the bloggers around the globe come together in unity by blog linking. All you have to do is add your name to the list. Don’t forget to specify the country where you are from and of course, link your name to your respective blog. If you have two or more blogs, add and link ‘em all. Then invite 8 or more bloggers to do the same. Here we go!

Julia from Philippines, Catherine from Malaysia, Shi from USA, Mitch from Philippines, Hailey from Philippines, Sexymom from USA, Liza from Philippines, Sasha from Philippines, Thess from Netherlands, Marie from Philippines, mind bubbles from USA, Evi from Canada, Christine - Marikit from AU. Christine - Strawberrygurl from AU, Mel’s Untamed World from PH, Mel’s Uncensored Life from PH, vanity kit from USA, something purple from USA, em’s detour from USA, Sassy Finds from Philippines My Charmed Life from Philippines, Mommyhood and Me from Philippines, Melisse's DomainPhilippines, Seize the dayPhilippines, Nicotinesworld from USA, My so-called Life from Philippines, Sweet Temptation from Philippines, Lynn's Chic Spot from Philippines, Changing Lanes from Philippines, Pit Stop from Philippines, Just Saying from USA, TipsyTips from USA, from Philippines, Precious Photographs from USA, Different Angles from Philippines, Delicious Corner from Philippines, Cheezemiz from Philippines, Inspirational Quotes from USA, Trixie Tricks from USA, US Immigration Journey from USA, Enjoyable Travel from Philippines, Everything Nursing from USA, Life's Journey from USA, SuperNova & SweetPain from PI and USA, PinayWAHM & Teacher's Corner from USA..


Nova said…
thank you for doing the tag te juls...

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