Busy Bee....on a Saturday....


Yes, I am a busy bee on a Saturday. Like I have been saying here over and over again, the weekend is just like any weekday for a WAHM like me.

Work was released yesterday by one of the companies I work for and some more will be released later this weekend by another company. Both companies have been 'quiet' for the last few weeks so work even on the weekend is very much welcome...even on a Mother's Day weekend...LOL.

Nothing spectacular is planned tomorrow. We'd probably just stay in the house instead of visiting the other one as we can't get in there anyway. The PM started locking it as soon as the dishwasher was put in place. The husband just swings by there [it's only 5 min from his place of work] a few times this week just to see the developments.

To all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day to all of you. Enjoy this day dedicated especially for you.


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