A Family Get-Away...


For a lot of tourists, one of the more famous places of destination here in the US is probably Las Vegas. Why not when there are a lot of very good attractions in what is known as the sin city, right? Things to do in Las Vegas will never run out. I know as I’ve been there myself. I am what others like to call ‘homebody’. This means that I don’t really go out especially not at night. So going to Las Vegas is kinda’ wild for me, you know. No I did not let loose. I just went around the whole strip and tried my hands on the slot machines. I’ve never seen so many lights in my life.

My husband though does not have any plans of visiting this city anytime soon. He would rather we go on sightseeing tours as a family. Right now, our little one really wants to see the Golden Bridge. That means that if and when this family tour is going to happen, one of the destination we have to consider is San Francisco. And guess what? I have a good friend in San Francisco who told me that there are lot of things to do in San Francisco. Since I want a stress-free family vacation, I am looking at booking everything through Trusted Tours & Attractions. Aside from having everything taken cared of for us, from hotels to the tours, they also have a lot of promotions going on everytime. Right now, anyone who signs up for the newsletter can have the chance to win a $150 iTune gift card! This latest offer ends on May 31, 2008 but I’m sure more promotions will be coming in the future.


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