Friday Once Again....


So what do you have planned for the weekend? Us? It's going to be one busy Saturday. Sunday is up in the air so that's good.

Saturday, we have a 10:00 AM appointment with the 'drapery' people. Yeah, that's what I call them...sod people, sprinkler people and now drapery people...LOL. I don't really know the names of the companies so I just call them the way I know them. Smart, eh? hehehe..

Anyway, after that we have another appointment. We are meeting the cable people in the new house. Yep, the cable has to be ready when we move in so I can B-L-O-G right away....hahaha. Actually, it's a combo of phone, cable and internet so it's a 3 in 1 thing.

Then if we have time, we may just swing by the appliance store again. This time to look for a freezer. We are planning in getting one that we can put in the garage for bulk storage. That's what we're missing here. We don't have a big freezer so we can't buy meat or anything frozen in bulk. After that, we'll probably head home as it's probably midnight by then

Right now I feel like this just thinking about that schedule. Hahaha....
I'm sure I'll feel like this tomorrow as I don't really want to get up early on the weekend.


Merydith said…
Your getting there na talaga Jul. There is one piece that we liked and it was almost 5 acres. We love it and it was affordable and according to Ryan he likes it more kasi malayo sa mga neighbors. Ang problema lang the place is 28 miles one way sa work place niya. Ang layo with how expensive gas talagang sayang. May marami dito tapos mahal yong bang inside a subdivision. Sana nga we can find something soon before Frankie goes to school or else we may have to send him in a Catholic school. Happy Weekend.
Gorgeous MUM said…
so you got a full day tomorrow! but at least you're getting there! good luck!
Gorgeous MUM said…
mummy J, can i have your email add?

Prily said…
wow, you have a busy weekend!hehehehe.enjoy it to the max! ah, the photos you put are soo cute!heheehe!lovely!have a great weekend,my friend!
Unknown said…
THat is soooo cute!
honey said…
hahhaha..funny & cute..
you sure are one busy person. So if someone would want to talk to you their people would have to talk to your people so that an appointment can be set for talking huh? hehehe.

Anyway yup that's my priority first when we move. The INTERNET hahaha. I am going to pester my parents and annoy them so much that they will have to find me an internet service provider right away hahaha!
~TeamPinn~ said…
wow what a cute pictures you've got in here hehehehe....
Marites said…
Funny pictures you got there..the 2nd pic is really cute:D looks like the kid is getting low batt already hehehehe!

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