
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.
1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6.Because Life Is Fun 7. Piece o’Kaje 8. Mon a Bric 9. Celebrate Life 10.My Journey11. Deeply In Love 12. Pink and Brown Diaries 13. Happyheart 14. Wilstop 15. Fun|Fierce|Fab 16. Nita’s Random Thoughts 17. Nita’s Corner 18. Thomas Web Links 19. Thomas Travel Tales 20. Make Money Online 21. Great Finds and Deals 22. PRC Board Exam Results 24. My Wandering Thoughts 25. Nita’s Ramblings 26. Just Me.. Eds 27. Etc Atbp 28. When Silence Speaks 29. Juliana’s Lair 30. Juliana’s World 31. Juliana’s Library 32. Blessed Chic 33. Can of Thoughts 34. Hailey’s Domain 35. Hailey’s Beats and Bits 36. ISL family 37. Arbitrary Thoughts 38. D’ Cooking Mudra 39. My Big Picture 40. Dancing in Midlife Tune 41. Blessings In Life 42. My Colorful World 43. Dare to Blog 44. Life Realities 45. WebGeek Journal DotNet 46. WebGeek Journal 47. Let’s Travel Philippines 49. MY DAILY THOUGHTS AND MOODS 50. A Sweet Taste Of Life 51. My Life in this Wonderful World! 52. Denz Techtronics 53. Denz Recreational 54. Surviving Deplyoment 55. Ester’s Raptured Dreams 56. Nipa Hut 57.Picture Clusters 58. My Wanderings 59.Maiylah’s Snippets 60. EuLehKulit 61. Life Quest 61.Being a wife. Being a Mom. 62. MoMie SPace 63.Woman Xplore 64. PinayWAHM 65. Agring’s Simply Digital 66. Agring’s Home & Garden 67. Agring’s Homecooking & Baking 68. Agring’s Electronics & Entertainments 69. Scrap Addict Sundays 70. Mommy Talks 71. Aggie Scraps 72.Teacher’s Corner 73. My Drift 74. lancernews 75. My so called Life 76. See Me for what You Will… 77. 78. 79. All about Mye life 80. Everything has a Reason 81. YOUR BLOG!
::End Copy Here::
I'm tagging:
- Abby - Both Sides Now
- ailecgee - My Quiet Zone
- Ana Gore - The Love of a Lifetime
- Anne - Bisdak Footprints
- Annie - Fil-Am Gallery
- Arlene - Dancing in Midlife Tune
- Arlene- From Here and Beyond
- Avee - All About Reviews
- bb_anne - Myriad of Thoughts
- Bless - Blessed Sanctuary
- Blog Gurl - Mah Blogz
- Bregie - My Personal Escapades
- Cara - Mommy Cara Says....
- Cathy - Me and My World
- Cel - My Not so Private Space in the Web
- Chary - CC's Lifestyles and Reviews
- Chelle - My Blog. My Bilog
- Chinny - cookie jar of entertainment
- Cielo - Brown Pinay
- D' Cooking Mudra
- Dauphine - Adventurous Life
- Dezz - Dezz Spices in Life
- Edgar - Angel in the Sickroom
- Edgar - Grim Angel
- Eds - My Journey Thru Womanhood...
- Eileen - Mommyhood Moments
- Emma- Life's a Beach
- Emzkie - Runaway Thoughts
- Filipina "Pinay" Successful Stories and Me
- G - My Name is G.
- Gagay - One Corner of My Life
- Gigi - Humble Home of Ours
- glamOrusa - Irrepressible
- Gracey - My Thoughts Freely Written
- Gracie - The Chic Shopaholic
- Hailey's Beats and bits
- Haze-Collection
- Honey - Honey's In Love
- Honney Natividad
- Ideal Pink Rose - All in Korea
- Ivy - La vida es hermosa
- Jamie - Jamie's Thoughts
- Jana - Great Opportunities in Different Aspect of Life
- Janine - My Daily Life
- Jenn - My Sweet Haven
- Jesse - The Simple Life of a Baghag
- JK - See Me for What You Will
- Jona - a Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh
- Jona - Beauty of Life
- Joyce - Garden of Moments
- Juliana - Juliana's Lair
- Juliana RW - Juliana's Site
- Kerslyn - Life's Lessons
- Lena - and life goes on.....
- Lhen - My Beautiful Life
- Lis - Huey and Hysteria
- Lisa - My Online Journey
- Loyna - Life's Endless Possibilities
- Lynn - My so-called life
- Malaya
- Malou - Big & Huggble
- Marc - My Drift
- Marie - Sweet Lullaby
- Marites - Pinay heart wanderings and musings
- Maureen - Island Paradise
- Meg - The Girlicious of a Woman
- Mel - Welcome to My Paradise
- Merydith - Bravejournal
- Michelle - My Small World
- Mimi - There is a Time for Everything
- Mylou - Mindless Thought
- Myrna - Myrna's Journey through life...
- Nancy - My Simple Life
- Nara - Chill Lounge Music
- Nelle - Lucid Creativity
- Noel - Alaverde 33
- Norm - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
- Pretty Me - Pretty Me's Outburst
- Prily - Capturing the Moments
- Recel - Unsealing my Mind
- Resebel - Bisdak/Pinay
- Rich- My Fave Hangout
- Ritchelle - All the Good Things
- Roselle - Sweet Escape
- Rosit - All About Everything
- Rowena - In Depth
- Ruby - Pinay Mommy
- Ruby - Surviving Deployment
- Russ - Robot Thoughts and Mechanical Ideas
- Sheila - A Blessed Life
- Shela - Simply Filipina
- Sheng - Sheng's Simple Thought
- Shiela - My World in My Own Word
- Shimumsy - republic of A
- Something Purple, a detour
- Sweetipie - Long Journey
- Tess - Tikya sa Tate
- Theresa - My Prerogavie
- Thira/Del - As the World Turns
- Tweety - Loving Tweety
- Vhiel - Can of Thoughts
- Vicky - the World Around Me
- Wena - Uncomplicated
- Wilson - Dare to Blog
- Yza - In My World
Here is the master list.
Will post it later!
will try to post it soon!
How are you?
Take care!
happy weekend mwah!